Cure Kids NZ
A charity close to our heart
An image I took of my two children one wet winters afternoon. My son Hunter diagnosed T1 just 4 weeks prior.
It was my daughter Emily’s idea to write "Connect to the cure" on the blackboard, and after many shots we chose this photo to enter a Cure Kids competition to meet the all blacks - we won!
It was such a wonderful win, and one that Hunter cherished, as he not only got to meet the All Blacks, he also began his journey as an ambassador for Cure Kids. Working alongside them became part of his diabetes diagnosis - they were there from the start !
With Cure Kids Annual Red Nose Day appeal coming up this July, MedStyle wanted to help raise funds to support the wonderful research they do.
Hunter with help from our amazing graphic designer have developed a very special Red Nose Day themed pattern which will be made into CGM Patches Nasogastric tube tape & Diabetic device decals.
We’re excited to release this special limited-edition patch and tape, with the full sale price donated to Cure Kids New Zealand
To learn more about Red Nose Day and the great work of Cure Kids New Zealand head over to
You can find the Red Nose Day Tape Collection Here

Hunter's Journey as a Cure Kids ambassador

Hunter shares his journey living with Type 1 Diabetes by speaking publicity to help raise awareness.